
  • Jyrki Parkkinen Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Automation and SystemsTechnology, P.O. Box 5500 (Otaniementie 17), FIN-02015 TKK, Espoo, Finland
  • Kai Zenger Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Automation and SystemsTechnology, P.O. Box 5500 (Otaniementie 17), FIN-02015 TKK, Espoo, Finland


compressor, energy efficiency, CA index, pneumatic systems, compressed air, dynamic model, optimization


In pneumatic systems the consumption of electrical energy depends almost linearly on the production of compressed air. Hence, the operation of the pneumatic line in any application plant has an enormous effect on the overall energy efficiency. In analysis the compressed air system can be divided into three subsystems: production, after treatment (storage and transmission) and consumption. These systems interact with each other and strongly affect overall system energy requirements. Starting from the dynamical models of the subsystems a new generic energy efficiency index (CAindex) is introduced in the paper. It can be used both in one compressor and multi-compressor systems. The fact that the consumption of compressed air may be either pressure dependent or pressure independent is taken into account in the basic equations and in the energy efficiency index. The maximization of the index is carried out by defining and solving a mathematical optimization problem, which then gives the best possible operation policy of the pneumatic line.


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Author Biographies

Jyrki Parkkinen, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Automation and SystemsTechnology, P.O. Box 5500 (Otaniementie 17), FIN-02015 TKK, Espoo, Finland

Jyrki Parkkinen (born 1968) received the M.Sc. in mechatronics, computer technology and automation in 1995. He has worked as a research engineer in software laboratory of Nokia Research Center in 1998-2002. After career in Nokia he has had different positions at Helsinki University of Technology. He received the Lic.Sc. in Department of Automation and Systems in 2007.

Kai Zenger, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Automation and SystemsTechnology, P.O. Box 5500 (Otaniementie 17), FIN-02015 TKK, Espoo, Finland

Kai Zenger received the M.Sc., Lic.Sc. and D.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering, computer technology and automation and systems technology in 1986, 1992 and 2003, respectively. After an industrial career he has had different positions at Helsinki University of Technology, where he currently works as a Senior Researcher in the Department of Automation and Systems Technology. His main research areas are Control Engineering and System Theory generally, with applications in chemical process engineering, power electronics and mechanical engineering. He has specialized in the research of time-varying linear systems, periodic systems and adaptive and robust control methods.


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How to Cite

Parkkinen, J., & Zenger, K. (2008). A NEW EFFICIENCY INDEX FOR ANALYSING AND MINIMIZING ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS. International Journal of Fluid Power, 9(1), 45–52. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/IJFP/article/view/532



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