
  • Yasuo Sakurai Ashikaga Institute of Technology, 268-1 Oomaecho, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-8558, Japan
  • Koji Takahashi Professor Emeritus at Sophia University, 4-23-9 Hiyoshicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0032, Japan


pneumatics, compressible fluid-flow field, thermal field, bond-graph method, simulation


This paper proposes a new bond-graph method for modelling pneumatic systems, which have compressible fluid-flow and thermal fields. In constructing bond-graph models for such systems, fluid and thermal power bonds have been employed. Furthermore, multi-port C and multi-port R elements have been used. Therefore, the resulting bond-graph models become complicated, and it is difficult to understand how energy flows branch off or join together. From these viewpoints, a new bond-graph method for modelling such systems is proposed in the present study by introducing a new concept of effort and flow applied to both compressible fluid-flow and thermal fields. In this bond-graph method, the product of effort and flow is power, which means that the true bond-graph is employed. Furthermore, 1-port C and 1-port R elements are used for modelling. Therefore, the energy flows can be easily understood from the resulting bond-graph. A simulation example is shown to confirm the usefulness of the proposed bond-graph method.


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Author Biographies

Yasuo Sakurai, Ashikaga Institute of Technology, 268-1 Oomaecho, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-8558, Japan

Yasuo Sakurai Born on January 12, 1962 in Saitama (Japan). Received his M.E. degree in 1986 from Sophia University. Worked at Fuji heavy industries Ltd. 1986-1988. Worked at Sophia University as a research associate 1988-2000. Received his doctor degree in 1998 from Sophia University. Joined Ashikaga Institute of Technology in 2000. Associate professor at Ashikaga Institute of Technology.

Koji Takahashi, Professor Emeritus at Sophia University, 4-23-9 Hiyoshicho, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0032, Japan

Koji Takahashi Born on November 22, 1932 in Osaka (Japan). Graduated Osaka University in 1955. Worked at Kurare Ltd. 1955-1962. Worked at Sophia University 1962-2002. Professor Emeritus at Sophia University.


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How to Cite

Sakurai, Y., & Takahashi, K. (2004). PROPOSAL OF A NEW BOND-GRAPH METHOD FOR MODELLING PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS. International Journal of Fluid Power, 5(1), 17–22. Retrieved from



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