Hybrid Facial Features with Application in Person Identification
Geometric invariance, person identification, face identification, hybrid facial feature, facial image.Abstract
This paper presents the hybrid facial feature with identification and verification based on facial images. A query facial image had been taken under different conditions of the facial image of the same person (as the query). The query facial image database was constructed. We have used the technique of three-dimensional (3D) Dlib facial landmarks using a direct linear transform technique. A set of absolute affine invariance had been constructed from a series of the 3D landmark quadruplets, which make the facial identification robust to affine geometric transformation. These 3D facial features serve as a coarse feature depending on each individual facial structure. The construct of the 2D detail features represents the edge facial image confined between the 2D Dlib landmarks. The similarity of the 2D feature is achieved by aligning the 2D query edge image against that of the reference edge image. The geometric transformation matrix is estimated from the 2D Dlib landmarks, where correspondence is well established. An identification/verification cost function using a combination of local 2D facial features and global 3D facial features is utilized to verify and identify a query facial image against a candidate facial image(s). The performance of the algorithm yielding an area of 99.97% perfect classification is represented as a value under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.
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