Quantum Mechanics for the Future 6G Cognitive RAN


  • Paulo Sergio Rufino Henrique Aarhus University, Department of Business Development and Technology, CGC, Denmark
  • Ramjee Prasad Aarhus University, Department of Business Development and Technology, CGC, Denmark




6G, cognitive radio, quantum mechanics, quantum computing, quantum communications, quantum technologies, cognitive radiosociety 5.0, Industry 5.0


Quantum Mechanics is a branch of science that describes the interactions between photons and electrons. Quantum science completed more than 100 years of existence with pioneers research made by Max Planck to explain black body radiation. This theory, historically speaking, is new by comparison with classical physics. However, quantum physics is revolutionary. It adds novel scientific concepts about our universe and the atomic world, breaking some existing concepts of Isaacs Newton’s Laws in classic physics and Pierre Laplace’s calculus. Contribution for the quantum mechanics provided by notorious scientists such as Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein paved the way for quantum computation and quantum communications. Nowadays, quantum mechanics are being engineered to quantum technologies to start a new scientific revolution and perhaps move our society for Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0. It is known that by 2030 the Big Data will be even more prominent with the number of devices connected to the Internet. Therefore, it is vital to engineering a 6G Radio that is cognitive, fast to predict events, and prevent incidents. For this, 6G Radio must have Artificial Intelligence operating with machine learning with the combined quantum computer superpower to process and harness the incommensurable amount of big data in favor of excellent service level agreements (SLAs) and Quality of Experience (QoE). Thus, this is the proposal of this study presented here.


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Author Biographies

Paulo Sergio Rufino Henrique, Aarhus University, Department of Business Development and Technology, CGC, Denmark

Paulo Sergio Rufino Henrique (Spideo – CGC, Aarhus University) Paulo S. Rufino Henrique holds more than 20 years of experience working in telecommunications. His career began as a field engineer at UNISYS in Brazil, where he was born. There, Paulo worked for almost nine years in the Service Operations, repairing and installing corporative servers and networks before joining British Telecom (BT) Brazil. Paulo worked five years at BT Brazil managing MPLS networks, satellites (V-SAT), IP-Telephony for Tier 1 network operations. During that period, he became the Global Service Operations Manager overseeing BT operations in EMEA, Americas, India, South Korea, South African, and China. After a successful career in Brazil, Paulo got transferred to the BT headquarters in London, where he worked for six and a half years as a service manager for Consumers Broadband in the UK and IPTV Ops manager for BT TV Sports channel. Additionally, during his tenure as IPTV Ops manager for BT, Paulo also participated in the BT project of launching the first UHD (4K) TV channel in the UK. He then joined Vodafone UK as a Quality Manager for Consumers Broadband Services and OTT platforms, and he worked in that capacity for almost two years. During his stay in London, Paulo completed a Post-graduation Degree at Brunel London University. His thesis was entitled ’TV Everywhere and the Streaming of UHD TV over 5G Networks & Performance Analysis’. Presently, Paulo Henrique holds the Head of Delivery and Operations position at Spideo, Paris, France. He is also a Ph.D. candidate under Professor Ramjee Prasad’s supervision at Global CTIF Capsule, Department of Business at Aarhus University, Denmark. His research field is 6G Networks – Performance Analysis for Mobile Multimedia Services for the Future Wireless Technologies.

Ramjee Prasad, Aarhus University, Department of Business Development and Technology, CGC, Denmark

Ramjee Prasad (CGC and Aarhus University) Dr. Ramjee Prasad, Fellow IEEEIEEE, IET, IETE, and WWRF, is a Professor of Future Technologies for Business Ecosystem Innovation (FT4BI) in the Department of Business Development and Technology, Aarhus University, Herning, Denmark. He is the Founder President of the CTIF Global Capsule (CGC). He is also the Founder Chairman of the Global ICTICT Standardization Forum for India, established in 2009. He has been honored by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy as a Distinguished Professor of the Department of Clinical Sciences and Translational Medicine on March 15, 2016. He is an Honorary Professor of the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He has received the Ridderkorset of Dannebrogordenen (Knight of the Dannebrog) in 2010 from the Danish Queen for the internationalization of top-class telecommunication research and education. He has received several international awards such as IEEE Communications Society Wireless Communications Technical Committee Recognition Award in 2003 for making a contribution in the field of “Personal, Wireless and Mobile Systems and Networks”, Telenor’s Research Award in 2005 for impressive merits, both academic and organizational within the field of wireless and personal communication, 2014 IEEE AESS Outstanding Organizational Leadership Award for: “Organizational Leadership in developing and globalizing the CTIF (Center for TeleInFrastruktur) Research Network”, and so on. He has been the Project Coordinator of several EC projects, namely, MAGNET, MAGNET Beyond, eWALL. He has published more than 50 books, 1000 plus journal and conference publications, more than 15 patents, over 140 Ph.D. Graduates and a larger number of Masters (over 250). Several of his students are today worldwide telecommunication leaders themselves.


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How to Cite

Henrique, P. S. R. ., & Prasad, R. . (2022). Quantum Mechanics for the Future 6G Cognitive RAN. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 19(01), 291–310. https://doi.org/10.13052/jmm1550-4646.19115


