Quantum Mechanics for the Future 6G Cognitive RAN
6G, cognitive radio, quantum mechanics, quantum computing, quantum communications, quantum technologies, cognitive radiosociety 5.0, Industry 5.0Abstract
Quantum Mechanics is a branch of science that describes the interactions between photons and electrons. Quantum science completed more than 100 years of existence with pioneers research made by Max Planck to explain black body radiation. This theory, historically speaking, is new by comparison with classical physics. However, quantum physics is revolutionary. It adds novel scientific concepts about our universe and the atomic world, breaking some existing concepts of Isaacs Newton’s Laws in classic physics and Pierre Laplace’s calculus. Contribution for the quantum mechanics provided by notorious scientists such as Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein paved the way for quantum computation and quantum communications. Nowadays, quantum mechanics are being engineered to quantum technologies to start a new scientific revolution and perhaps move our society for Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0. It is known that by 2030 the Big Data will be even more prominent with the number of devices connected to the Internet. Therefore, it is vital to engineering a 6G Radio that is cognitive, fast to predict events, and prevent incidents. For this, 6G Radio must have Artificial Intelligence operating with machine learning with the combined quantum computer superpower to process and harness the incommensurable amount of big data in favor of excellent service level agreements (SLAs) and Quality of Experience (QoE). Thus, this is the proposal of this study presented here.
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