
  • WINANGSARI PRADANI Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta
  • FIRDUS MUBARIK Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta
  • DWI ASTHARINI Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, Jakarta


VirtualBox, GNU Radio, USRP, SDR, task network analysis


The purpose of this paper is to present the implementation of a virtual system or virtual machine, named Software Defined Radio – University of Al Azhar Indonesia (SDR-UAI), that can encapsulate the GNU Radio installation process. GNU Radio is a development toolkit software used by electrical engineering students to learn and experience various radio systems without processing the hardware. GNU Radio and Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) from Ettus Research is considerably a good combination of SDR system that can be used in a telecommunication lab. However, along with this preference, this combination poses the constraints in installation process due to its native operating system (OS) and growth characteristic. With conventional method, the process can be very complicated and painful, mostly ended with an unsuccessful installation. By using virtualization technology, the steps conducted in installation process can be reduced by 80% and it takes less than one hour compare with as much of 2 days in conventional method. A user interface analysis based on task network model used to measure the effectivity of this SDR-UAI.



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How to Cite

PRADANI, W. ., MUBARIK, F. ., & ASTHARINI, D. . (2015). SDR UAI, VIRTUAL MACHINE FOR A SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO TOOLPACK. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 11(3-4), 339–345. Retrieved from




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