
  • AMAL ABUNASER Computer Science Department, Yarmouk University Irbid, Jordan
  • SAWSAN ALSHATTNAWI Computer Science Department, Yarmouk University Irbid, Jordan




Cloud computing is a resulting technology from many fields of computing. The concept core of cloud computing is to get services and processing capacity over the Internet. This technology reduces cost, increase storage, automate systems, and introduce flexibility and mobility of information. Many technologies have been emerged from the cloud computing such as mobile cloud computing. Mobile cloud computing is a combination between mobile computing and cloud computing, aims at providing optimal services for mobile users. Because mobile computing includes using computers during the movement from place to place to provide users with their maximum need, they have the ability to access other computer, other digital and portable devices around them. The emergence of, nearly similar, technology that deal with this issue is called ubiquitous computing. Ubiquitous computing implies making the digital devices available while they are eectively invisible to users. Its aim is to break away from the desktop computing to provide computational services to a user when and where required. These technologies are limited and encountered several challenges. Mobile cloud computing will support these technologies and solve most of these challenges. In this paper, we survey the resulted technology mobile cloud computing, and we explore dierent technologies that preceded it such as cloud computing, mobile computing and ubiquitous computing.



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How to Cite

ABUNASER, A. ., & ALSHATTNAWI, S. . (2013). MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING AND OTHER MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES: SURVEY. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 8(4), 241–252. Retrieved from


