Toward “green” mechanical simulations in materials science

Hyper-reduction of a polycrystal plasticity model


  • David Ryckelynck MINES ParisTech, Centre des matériaux, CNRS UMR 7633 BP 87, F-91003 Evry cedex
  • Djamel Missoum Benziane MINES ParisTech, Centre des matériaux, CNRS UMR 7633 BP 87, F-91003 Evry cedex
  • Andrey Musienko MINES ParisTech, Centre des matériaux, CNRS UMR 7633 BP 87, F-91003 Evry cedex
  • Georges Cailletaud MINES ParisTech, Centre des matériaux, CNRS UMR 7633 BP 87, F-91003 Evry cedex



truncated integration, POD, surrogate model, Petrov-Galerkin formulation


Because of the developpement of materials science, there is a need to reduce the computational complexity of mechanical models. This paper aims to show that the Hyper Reduction method enables to reduce computational resources used for numerical simulations. Large mechanical models involving distributed nonlinearities require parallel computers to solve the governing equations related to these models. The proposed Hyper Reduction of such models provides reduced governing equations that enable simulations on a single-processor computer. This is achieved by using a reduced-basis and a selection of equilibrium equations of the detailed model. The use of a single processor during less time enables to save an amazing amount of the electrical energy during the numerical simulation.


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How to Cite

Ryckelynck, D. ., Benziane, D. M. ., Musienko, A. ., & Cailletaud, G. . (2010). Toward “green” mechanical simulations in materials science: Hyper-reduction of a polycrystal plasticity model. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 19(4), 365–388.



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