Plasticité anisotrope couplée à un endommagement ductile isotrope
Application au gonflement hydraulique de tôles minces
plastic anisotropy, ductile damage, large plastic deformations, contact and friction, hydrobulging testAbstract
This work deals with the study of anisotropic elastoplastic constitutive equations fully coupled to the isotropic ductile damage in order to examine the effect of the anisotropic plastic flow on the “isotropic” damage evolution. An anisotropic quadratic yield criterion accounting for nonlinear isotropic and kinematic hardening is used. This fully coupled model is implemented into ABAQUS FEA Software. Both the theoretical and related numerical aspects are briefly discussed. Application is made to the failure prediction of a thin sheet metal subject to the hydrobulging test using an elliptic matrix. The experimental and numerical results are compared and discussed.
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