Remaillage en grandes déformations

Applications à la mise en forme de structures 2D


  • Houman Borouchaki Université de Technologie de Troyes, GSM-LASMIS BP 2060, F-10010 Troyes cedex and INRIA, Projet GAMMA BP 105, F-78153 Rocquencourt cedex
  • Abdelhakim Cherouat Université de Technologie de Troyes, GSM-LASMIS BP 2060, F-10010 Troyes cedex
  • Khemais Saanouni Université de Technologie de Troyes, GSM-LASMIS BP 2060, F-10010 Troyes cedex
  • Patrick Laug INRIA, Projet GAMMA BP 105, F-78153 Rocquencourt cedex


large deformations, plasticity, damage, forming process, adaptive meshing, error estimates


The analysis of the mechanical structures using Finite Element Method in the framework of large elastoplastic strain, needs frequent remeshing of the deformed domain during the computation. Indeed, the remeshing is due to the large geometrical distortion of finite elements or the adaptation to the physical behavior of the solution. This paper gives the necessary steps to remesh the mechanical structure during the large elastoplastic deformation with damage. These steps are essentially constituted by geometrical and physical error estimates. The proposed method is integrated in the ABAQUS computational code and some numerical examples show the efficiency of our method in the case of finite transformations with damage.


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How to Cite

Borouchaki, H. ., Cherouat, A. ., Saanouni, K. ., & Laug, P. (2002). Remaillage en grandes déformations: Applications à la mise en forme de structures 2D. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 11(1), 57–79. Retrieved from



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