On sorne integration schemes for rate equations of damaged elastoplastic solids
finite elements, implicit algorithm, Runge-Kutta, stepsize control, damage, plasticityAbstract
This work is concerned with the study of sorne numerical procedures used for the integration of damaged elastoplastic constitutive equations which exhibit sorne induced softening (or negative hardening) due to the damage effect. For this purpose, various integration procedures are used. The implicit schemes are represented by the radial-return and the generalized trapezoïdal (or mid-point) algorithms modified to enhance the consistency condition during the softening stage. The explicit schemes are represented by only the fourth order Runge-Kutta algorithm in connection with two different techniques of automatic time step size control. The efficiency and robustness of the studied solution procedures are evaluated with numerical tests using both the single Gauss point and the cantilever bearn structure.
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