Modelisation du contact en implicite

Application a I 'interaction rotor/stator


  • Isabelle Guillotea Laboratoire de mecanique et materiaux Ecole Centrale de Nantes- BP 92101 F-44321 Nantes cedex 03
  • Bernard Peseux Laboratoire de mecanique et materiaux Ecole Centrale de Nantes- BP 92101 F-44321 Nantes cedex 03
  • Jerome Bonini SNECMA Departement methodes Centre de Villaroche F-77550 Moissy-Cramayel


contact element, dynamic, Newmark implicit time scheme, compatibilities, Lagrange multiplier method, penalty function method, contact stiffness, rotor/stator interaction


The two main contact methods in dynamics are firstly studied. The influence of the Newmark implicit time scheme parameter values is then analysed with a special attention to the contact compatibility conditions. A new contact stiffness is proposed to compute interaction forces in a finite element code with a Newmark implicit integration scheme. The contact model is finally used to simulate rotor/stator interaction in an aircraft engine, after a blade-off event.


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How to Cite

Guillotea, I., Peseux, B. ., & Bonini, J. . (2000). Modelisation du contact en implicite: Application a I ’interaction rotor/stator. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 9(1-3), 331–348. Retrieved from



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