La maitrise des modeles en mecan1que des structures

Erreurs et ameliorations adaptatives


  • Pierre Ladeveze Laboratoire de mecanique et technologie ENS Cachan, CNRS, universite Paris 6 61 avenue du President Wilson 94235 Cachan cedex


mechanics, a posteriori errors, adaptativity, model/test, correlation, ajustement technic, mesh, vibrations


Today, the construction and numerical simulation of models is, more than ever, a major activity in the field of mechanics. A constant concern in both industrial and research environments has been the control of these models, which can, nowadays, reach very high levels of complexity. A new factor during the past fifteen years has been the development of truly quantative tools for testing the quality of a model either theoretically or with the help of experiments. The following two themes have been used to illustrate these new procedures : the adaptative control of finite element modeling (i.e. the control of the actual calculation), and the control and adjustment of models based on the results of experiments. After presenting the state of the art and the difficulties involved in research, we explain in tktail the approach developed at L.M.T. of Cachan, which is based on the concept of error in constitutive relations and associated techniques. Various examples illustrate the possibilities afforded by theu new tools.



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How to Cite

Ladeveze, P. . (1992). La maitrise des modeles en mecan1que des structures: Erreurs et ameliorations adaptatives. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 1(1), 9–30. Retrieved from



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