Control and Performance Analysis of a Digital Direct Hydraulic Cylinder Drive
Digital Displacement Machines, Hydraulics, Fluid Power, Direct Drive, Control, Energy EfficientAbstract
This paper concerns control of a digital direct hydraulic cylinder drive (D-DHCD) and is a novel concept with the potential to become the future solution for energy efficient hydraulic drives. The concept relies on direct control of a differential cylinder by a single hydraulic pump/motor unit connected to each cylinder inlet/outlet. The pump/motor unit in this research uses the digital displacement technology and comprises of numerous individually digital controlled pressure chambers, such that the ratio of active (motoring, pumping or idling) chambers determines the machine power throughput. This feature reduces energy losses to a minimum, since the inactive (idling) chambers has very low losses. A single DDM may provide individually load control for several cylinders without excessive throttling due to various load sizes. Successful implementation of the concept relies on proper control of the DDM, which demands a dynamical model that allows for system analysis and controller synthesis. This is a challenging task, due to the highly non-smooth machine behavior, comprising both non-linear continuous and discrete elements. This paper presents the first feedback control strategy for a D-DHCD concept, based on a discrete dynamical approximation and investigates the control performance in a mathematical simulation model representing the physical system.
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