lubricating film, Reynolds-equation, axial piston machinesAbstract
Axial piston pumps are used in several industrial applications. The geometry of the probably most important interface of these pumps, the piston-cylinder-contact, is mostly optimized by comparing test bench results. Only a few simulation tools have ever been used to optimize the geometry such as gap width, cylinder length, etc. For the DFG-supported project “Axial piston machines with PVD-coated components” both, piston and cylinder, are to be coated or should consist of hardened material, so that running-in is no longer possible. The contour of piston and cylinder therefore needs to be machined before the parts are used in the axial piston pump. Simulations of different contours as well as gap widths and cylinder lengths are therefore necessary to avoid a large number of test-bench measurements. In this publication a simulation tool is presented, which allows to vary the geometry and contouring of the moving parts. It is shown that the contouring and geometry can be optimized for specific working points.
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