
  • Alarico Macor Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali, Università di Padova, Sede di Vicenza, Stradella S. Nicola, 3 - 36100 Vicenza, Italy
  • Marco Tramontan Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali, Università di Padova, Sede di Vicenza, Stradella S. Nicola, 3 - 36100 Vicenza, Italy


vehicular hybrid propulsion, hydrostatic transmission


The use of high efficiency engines is an unavoidable necessity in the transportation field. The reduction of gas emissions and the optimisation of conversion efficiency cannot be entrusted only to engine characteristics, but it is necessary to work with integrated propulsion systems, which have to manage the production and transmission of the energy in an optimal way. In this paper a hybrid propulsion system made of a parallel type hybrid engine and a hydrostatic transmission is presented. The operational flexibility of the hydrostatic transmission allows the thermal engine to operate at a constant speed, hence at maximum efficiency and/or minimum emission conditions. This propulsion system was applied to the case of a “12 m class” bus for passenger transportation. An Italian hybrid vehicle was taken as the reference solution for performance comparison and as a technical database for the vehicle design aid. Starting from the Italian laws regarding buses, the design and sizing of the propulsion group components were performed. Then, in order to verify the ability of the hybrid scheme to satisfy the design targets, a simulation of the system was carried out using a dynamic simulation code. The simulation showed that the combination of the hydrostatic transmission with the hybrid engine leads to energy savings and a pollutant reduction in comparison with the reference vehicle.


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Author Biographies

Alarico Macor, Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali, Università di Padova, Sede di Vicenza, Stradella S. Nicola, 3 - 36100 Vicenza, Italy

Alarico Macor was born in 1956; MSc in Mechanical Engineering, 1981; Ph.D. in Energetics, 1987; currently Associate Professor of "Fluid Machines" at the Department of Management Engineering, University of Padova. His major field of research are: fluid power, hybrid engines for vehicular propulsion, hydraulic turbomachinery. Other fields: energy systems, thermoeconomic analysis, biofuels.

Marco Tramontan, Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali, Università di Padova, Sede di Vicenza, Stradella S. Nicola, 3 - 36100 Vicenza, Italy

Marco Tramontan was born in 1970; MSc in Mechanical Engineering, 2001; Komatsu Utility Europe – Engineering Division since 2001, currently Research&Test Team Leader. Technical Advisor at Mechanical Engineer Department, University of Padova 2002–2004. His major field of activity are: NVH, fluid power, industrial engines. Other fields: hybrid engines for vehicular propulsion.


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How to Cite

Macor, A., & Tramontan, M. (2007). HYDROSTATIC HYBRID SYSTEM: SYSTEM DEFINITION AND APPLICATION. International Journal of Fluid Power, 8(2), 47–62. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/IJFP/article/view/542



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