The 2020 IEEE Global Fluid Power Society (GFPS) PhD Symposium was successfully held online on October 19–21, 2020. As the conference chairs, in agreement with the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Fluid Power (IJFP), we decided to edit this special issue to provide the whole technical community the opportunity to further explore the most significant contributions to the symposium. Six papers were selected from the list of the best papers voted by reviewers and experts, among the 110 submissions to the symposium. These six papers covered several topics of fluid power technology: hydraulic control valves, actuators and robotic applications, such as, geometry study of ball seat valve, adaptive robust controller for hydraulic robotic manipulators, cost-effective electro-hydraulic actuator solution with open circuit architectures, control study of hydraulic quadruped robot, EHL simulations of translational seals with cavitation and articulated finger based on pneumatic soft joints, which are the popular topics in the fluid power areas nowadays.