Fast Computation of Hydrodynamic Pressure in Lubricated Contacts: Which Lp Loss is Most Suitable for Physics-Informed Neural Networks Solving the Reynolds Equation?
Tribology, physics-informed neural networks, elastohydrodynamic lubrication, pneumatic sealing, physics-informed machine learningAbstract
The frictional behavior of pneumatic seals significantly impacts the functionality of fluid power systems, particularly in fast-switching applications where precision and responsiveness are critical. However, the complex relationship between component properties and friction often makes experimental characterization infeasible or prohibitively expensive. To address this challenge, the Institute for Fluid Power Drives and Systems (ifas) developed the ifas Dynamic Seal Simulation (DDS), an iterative elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) simulation capable of accurately solving the relevant partial differential equations (PDEs) [3]. Since iterative solvers are computationally intensive, neural networks have been explored as a more efficient alternative. While traditional neural networks offer computational advantages, they often lack the ability to understand the physical context of the systems they model, potentially limiting their accuracy and reliability. Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have been introduced to overcome these limitations. PINNs integrate the governing physical laws directly into the training process, allowing them to grasp the system’s physical context. This approach opens up new possibilities, including more robust training and the ability to extrapolate beyond the training domain, thereby providing a more reliable and efficient tool for modeling the friction of seals in fluid power systems. In this paper, a previously validated hydrodynamic PINN framework [8, 9] is utilized to solve a variant of the averaged Reynolds equation across three scenarios: divergent, convergent, and curved gaps. The investigation focuses on four p-norm training metrics: L1, L2, L22, and L∞. The results indicate that the commonly used L22 metric is the most suitable for the scenarios examined.
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