Résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes et Détection des bifurcations stationnaires par une Méthode Asymptotique-Numérique
non-linear computation, perturbation method, finite element method, Navier-Stokes equations, stationary bifurcationAbstract
Perturbation methods (asymptotic expansions) are usually considered as powerful methods for solving many kinds of non-linear problems. However, these methods are very often applied in a pure/y analytic framework, and the calculation is limited to the first few terms of the series. Since a few years, we have shown thal the combination of perturbation techniques and finite element method can lead to a robust numerical method for some categories of non-linear problems. In this paper, we apply these techniques to compute branches of stationary solutions of Navier-Stokes equations and to detect stationary bifurcations.
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