Heat Transfer Model of Pneumatic End-Position Cylinder Cushioning





Pneumatic cylinder, end cushioning, pneumatics, thermocouple, heat transfer


In this paper a thermal model of a pneumatic cylinder with an integrated pneumatic end cushioning is presented. Being a part of a multidomain model presented in former research, this model is needed to simulate and analyse the thermodynamic processes in the pneumatic end cushioning and to elaborate a novel design strategy for damping systems with a higher capability on kinetic energy absorption and robust performance under fluctuating operating conditions. For this purpose, a proper heat exchange model is inevitable to calculate the pressure in the cushioning volume and consequently the deceleration of the load. An approach of splitting the complex geometry of cylinder into simple geometries, such as plain or cylindrical surfaces, is used in this study for a fast computation of convective heat flow rates. To validate this approach, the simulation results were compared with the measurements, carried out at different supply pressures, piston speeds and end cushioning throttle openings. The model will be used further for sensitivity analysis and robust optimisation of the cushioning system design.


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Author Biographies

Fedor Nazarov, TU Dresden, Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems, Germany

Fedor Nazarov received the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in hydraulic, pneumatic, and vacuum systems engineering from South Ural State University in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Since 2017 to this day, he is working as a Research Assistant at the Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems, TU Dresden. His research areas include simulation and optimisation of pneumatic systems and components with regards to energy efficiency and performance.

Jürgen Weber, TU Dresden, Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems, Germany

Jürgen Weber has been appointed university professor and chair of Fluid-Mechatronic System Technology at the TU Dresden. Since July 1st, 2018, he is the director of the Institute of Mechatronic Engineering. Prior to this, for approximately 13 years, he has been active in various positions at the R&D department of the agricultural and construction machinery manufacturer CNH.


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How to Cite

Nazarov, F., & Weber, J. (2021). Heat Transfer Model of Pneumatic End-Position Cylinder Cushioning. International Journal of Fluid Power, 23(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.13052/ijfp1439-9776.2311



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