Advancing Thermal Monitoring in Axial Piston Pumps: Simulation, Measurement, and Boundary Condition Analysis for Efficiency Enhancement


  • Roman Ivantysyn Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, Helmholtzstrasse 7a, 01069 Dresden
  • Jürgen Weber Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, Helmholtzstrasse 7a, 01069 Dresden



Temperature, efficiency, axial piston pump


To prepare today’s fluid power systems for the future digitalization of the industry, it is necessary to improve the information available regarding the current condition of crucial components of the system. Positive displacement machines, which constitute the core of any hydraulic system, play a vital role in this process. Future smart systems will require more information about the current state of the pump such as power usage and efficiency. Current condition monitoring approaches utilize an array of sensors that need to be sampled at high frequency. The transmission, storage, and post processing of this vast amount of data requires an enormous number of resources, especially if exercised at scale. Previous work conducted at the Institute of Mechatronics Engineering at TU Dresden has demonstrated that measuring the temperature in the lubricating gaps can allow for a deeper insight into the tribological mechanisms in these interfaces. Not only can the gap height, viscous friction and leakage be determined from this information, but also crucial information such as wear level and expected component lifespan can be derived from temperature levels with adequate reference models [14].

This paper demonstrates that monitoring the thermal condition of the cylinder block is an effective approach to estimate the pump’s efficiency. This will be illustrated through both simulation and measurement, in addition to the pioneering measurement of the heat convection coefficient on the cylinder block surface, a critical boundary condition for the simulation.

To measure the temperature of a moving cylinder block, a 160cc axial piston pump was equipped with a telemetric system, which was specially designed and built for this task. In addition to 20 temperature sensors, four heat convection coefficient sensors were carefully placed inside the cylinder block. High-speed pressure and temperature measurements within the displacement chamber provided further insight into the dynamic thermal behavior, capturing both fluid and wall temperatures in real-time. These measurements not only validated the simulation but also offered a unique perspective on the internal mechanics of an axial piston pump.


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Author Biographies

Roman Ivantysyn, Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, Helmholtzstrasse 7a, 01069 Dresden

Roman Ivantysyn received his Bachelor and Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University from 2005–2011. He is currently completing his Ph.D. at the Technical University of Dresden, focusing on the investigation of lubricating gaps in axial piston pumps, particularly their thermal behavior and wear. Roman Ivantysyn is the founder and CEO of Smart Hydraulic Solutions GmbH, where he leads various projects in hydraulic pump design, system optimization, and software development for hydraulic systems. His research areas include axial piston pumps, fluid power systems, thermal analysis, and wear mechanisms in hydraulic machines. He has contributed extensively to the scientific community, with several papers published in international conferences and journals, and has received multiple awards, including the Best Paper Award at the ASME/Bath 2017 Symposium and the GFPS Symposium in 2022.

Jürgen Weber, Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, Technische Universität Dresden, Helmholtzstrasse 7a, 01069 Dresden

Jürgen Weber has been appointed in 1st March 2010 as a University Professor and the Chair of Fluid-Mechatronic Systems as well as the Director of the Institute of Fluid Power at the Technische Universität Dresden, and took on the leadership of Institute of Mechatronic Engineering in 2018. He finished his doctorate in 1991 and was an active Senior Engineer at the former Chair of Hydraulics and Pneumatics until 1997. This was followed by a 13-year industrial phase. Besides his occupation as the Head of the Department Hydraulics and Design Manager for Mobile and Tracked Excavators, starting in 2002, he took on responsibility for the hydraulics in construction machinery at CNH Worldwide. From 2006 onwards, he was the Global Head of Architecture for hydraulic drive and control systems, system integration and advance development CNH construction machinery. Furthermore, Jürgen has been head of the Consulting Board for HYDAC, Sulzbach/Saar, for 10 years, still being a member, and was also appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of Musashi Europe GmbH. He is a fellow and now chair of the Global Fluid Power Society. The membership of 5G Lab Germany at TU Dresden is a further indicator for more than 15 years of experience in management and coordination of research alliances as well as the activities as surveyor, PhD supervisor, over 300 publications, technical books and lecture notes. As CEO of the newly founded innovation center Construction Future Lab (CFLab gGmbH, Dresden) Jürgen will keenly continue with applied research and technology transfer.


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How to Cite

Ivantysyn, R. ., & Weber, J. . (2024). Advancing Thermal Monitoring in Axial Piston Pumps: Simulation, Measurement, and Boundary Condition Analysis for Efficiency Enhancement. International Journal of Fluid Power, 25(04), 547–590.



14th International Fluid Power Conference

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